The VineCCL

We are a non-denominational Christian church based in Littleport, UK. Our vision is to grow Christians in their relationship with Jesus while impacting and making a difference in the community. For more information click on the appropriate links below.

See also:
twitter: @vineccl

Tel 07498 270960

The Vine Community Church is a Registered Charity. Number 801471

Just Two Week's Time

There has been and continues to be SO much going on at the Vine - what with the recent film night and Light Party, as well as the usual weekly events - that we have barely kept you up to date. But here is another Praise and Prayer - the last this year - for all the Littleport Churches Together to celebrate and pray again together, led by Revd Ian Silk and Alison Silk.

Copyright Vine Community Church. All rights reserved. 2014. 
The Vine Community Church is a Registered Charity. Number 801471.