The VineCCL

We are a non-denominational Christian church based in Littleport, UK. Our vision is to grow Christians in their relationship with Jesus while impacting and making a difference in the community. For more information click on the appropriate links below.

See also:
twitter: @vineccl

Tel 07498 270960

The Vine Community Church is a Registered Charity. Number 801471

Our Mission. -- “To Live Jesus”

So our purpose is:

  • To be a growing family of God’s children

  • To develop a servant heart like His

  • To touch people with His love

  • By His Spirit, to bring people to Himself

Put another way, Believe, Belong and Bless!

We are committed to living out God’s purposes in:

  • Worship

  • Fellowship

  • Discipleship

  • Ministry

  • Evangelism

We have a vision. . .

It is the vision of being a church where the wounded and the hurting, the lonely and the depressed, the frustrated, and the confused can find love and acceptance, help and hope, forgiveness and encouragement.

It is the vision of sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ in a relevant way to the residents of Littleport and surrounding area.

It is the vision of helping each person become all that God wants them to be, helping them discover the gifts and talents God has given them and using them in His service.

It is the vision of seeing that we have a place and a responsibility in the wider world, and sending those called by God to work beyond the local setting, supporting them in prayer and practice.

Copyright Vine Community Church. All rights reserved. 2014. 
The Vine Community Church is a Registered Charity. Number 801471.