The Vine Community Church
1987– Isleham High Street Baptist church, under the leadership of Rev. Tom Chipper, planted a Church in Littleport. This was later to become known as “The Vine Community Church”

A group of Christians who had been worshiping at High Street Baptist Church at Isleham felt it was time for them to start meeting in their own village. With Ian and Carolyn Garner as the leaders, they met for the first time in June 1987.
After meeting in a number of different venues the fellowship managed to obtain a ten year lease for The Regal (former cinema and then Bingo hall) near the town centre.
We give thanks to the Lord for the way He inspired and envisioned Ian and all the hard work he put into leading the church and renovating the Regal building. We acknowledge Ian's and Carolyn's humble dedication and commitment to the Lord’s work in this village. Sadly, in late 2002, Ian developed lung cancer and went to be with his Lord in June 2003.
However, God's timing is amazing and He graciously provided Don and Heather Gee, who were previously part of the leadership team at Isleham, to carry on the work of pastoring the church and renovating the building.
After Don's retirement and with a need to look for a new venue to meet in, our very kind neighbours at St John's Methodist church shared their building for several months!
Then finally, through loving Christian support and God's amazing grace, we were able to move in to what was formerly called the Littleport Evangelical Church. We are tremendously grateful to God for His goodness to us and to all those who worked for many years in His service in this building before we came!